Flyp Portable Handheld Nebulizer
Pocket Portable * There are no disposable batteries external power sources masks or tubes * Truly a nebulizer that fits in your pocket * A rechargeable lithium-ion battery saves you the need to constantly repurchase batteries * Over Flyp’s life that could mean hundreds of dollars of savings * Convexity engineers spent three years developing testing and refining the Flyp nebulizer as it had to pass18 different lab tests * Has a precision-engineered disk with 1 000 holes so small that they are invisible to the naked eye * The disk vibrates at an ultrasonic speed that is 2 000 times faster than a hummingbird’s wings * As medication passes through the disk’s holes it aerosolizes for delivery to your lungs * HCPCS code E0574 * Flyp is labeled as a prescription only device * The language on the box reads: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or licensed practitioner * HCPCS code E0570 * 3 Year Manufacturer Warranty *